The Educational Plan….the extended version

Before I knew it, my oldest would be going to kindergarten. Granted it was still a year off, but I was kind of freaking out. I really want to be the parent that doesn’t worry about her kids learning everything before they go to school, but I also really want my kids to have a great educational base before they enter kindergarten. I wanted them to have free unstructured play to support their curiosities, but I also wanted some structured, methodical school time. I really wanted to teach my children, but I didn’t really want to put too much time into creating lessons. I really didn’t want to freak out over this, but that is so not my nature😉, so I created what I call preschool LITE. I chose one adventure to take every 2 weeks. Most of these lessons will take about 30-60 minutes/day and will cover 4 days a week. Why only 4 days? We tend to be busy or seriously cranky at least one day a week, so I only plan on having 4 good days. The lessons can be done in one solid period or broken up throughout the day. Since I have three different kids at different ages, I have tweaked some of the activities so that everyone could participate. I tried to use materials that we had around the house and I could whip up without too much prep time. We also have one special skills that we focus on every week that will help us in kindergarten; such as sharing, washing hands, etc.… Mostly these skills are taught throughout the day with gentle reminders.

A Little About Me

I am a former teacher turned stay at home momma of three. I taught special education in Chicago for 11 years and I have a master’s degree in special education. I found teaching students with special needs both challenging and rewarding, I found doing the mountains of paperwork both challenging and unrewarding. Although I do see myself in the classroom again (eventually), I am (mostly) enjoying being at home with my kids. I have a 4 year old son (Panda), a 2 ½ year old daughter (Koala), and a 1 year old son (Grizzly). Panda is a miniature defense lawyer and can explain away any wrongdoing. Koala had the most beautiful smile and the worst, most dramatic cry. Grizzly screams at everything, all the time, just to let you know he is still there. My husband works hard, plays hard, and makes me laugh every day (haha, you think I’m going to remove the wasps’ nest from the porch, hilarious). I try to be a middle of the road kind of parent because it just seems so tough to commit to one kind of parenting style; I like parts of all of them.